Mr Abdulrahman Alsayed Hashim Academic Experience: BS Agricultural Engineer- California State Polytechnic University ( CALPOLY ) – USA Graduation year: June 1978 Working experience: 1978-1979.
Agriculture Engineer - Department of Statistics- Public Authority for Agriculture and Fisheries -kuwait 1979-1980.
Head Division of the Marketing office- Public Authority for Agriculture and Fisheries - kuwait 1979-1980.
Marketing Manager- Food and Agricultural Products Marketing Company- Kuwait.1980-1983 Agricultural researcher – Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED)- Kuwait.
1985-1887 Alternate Executive Director at African Development Bank Group (AfDB) Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
1985-1995 Head Division for West African Countries- KFAED.
1995-2004 Regional Manager for West African Countries- KFAED.
2004- 2016 Regional Manager for East, Central and South African Countries KFAED Date Retired: March 2016.
Other Activities:
In 2015 was appointed by the Kuwaiti Minister of Finance as Member of the Board of Directors in the Arab Bank for Development In Africa ( BADEA ) – Khartoum, Sudan.
Since 1988 until retirement attended the Annual Meetings for the AfDB Group as Deputy Governor for Kuwait.
Since 1978 to date member of the Kuwaiti Agricultural Engineers Society - Kuwait.
