Our Approach

Project Viability and Strategic Approach of GazMin

A model through which we provide end to end project life cycle support market

Target Market Strategy - Complete market study including demand and supply, SWOT and related market analysis.

Project Feasibility Report - Factors that would affect the overall viability of the project.

Project Contracting Strategy - Most appropriate contracting strategies in order to develop a win win scenario.

Pre-Qualification Supports - Identify and develop key evaluation criteria in order to shortlist contractors.

Project Risk Assessment - Assess market related risks associated with projects.

Contractor/Sub Contractor Due Diligence - Identify contractors / sub-contractors strengths / weaknesses in terms of capability, existing commitments, reputation / credentials on previous projects and access to labor and suppliers. Conduct thorough due diligence on contractors to understand any financial risk or capability risk that they may pose to a project.

Project Finance - To raise the funds required via Sovereign Guarantee, Letter of Guarantee / Standby Letter of Credit, Long Term Deferred Payment Promissory Note, Public Private Partnership, Build Operate Transfer or Build Own Operate Transfer basis.

Cost Effective and Timely Solutions - Strive to achieve timely delivery of Project in a seamless manner while at the same time adding value to the project.
