Alberto Rejtman COMMERCIAL EXECUTIVE Strategic planning, business prospecting, specialized in automotive and industrial systems Career developed in MERCOSUR and Europe in companies such as: FAURECIA, ABB, VALEO, TYCO, MAGNETTO AUTOMOTIVE Main qualifications: Implementation and management of the areas: Commercial, Marketing, Technical and Administrative. P&L, new projects and business plan Realization Business strategy definition: forecast, rolling forecast and five years plan. Responsible for international projects technology transfer program. Technical-economic analysis, make or buy for feasibility and components local production. Familiarity with Production Management techniques (JIT, SMED, Kanban) also with Quality tools application (PDCA, FMEA, 5S). Start-up operations, partnerships developments of and new businesses research. ACADEMIC BACKGROUND MBA in Business Management - Fundação Getúlio Vargas (STRONG) – São Paulo - 2004 Master’s Degree in Industrial Automation and Production - D.E.S.S. Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées Université des Sciences et des Techniques de Franche-Comté – Besançosn/França - 1991 Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering - Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP) – São Paulo - 1988 LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, French and Hebrew - Fluent..